Photo by Photo by Anna Samoylova/Unspalsh

Connect with Kids & Youth

Kids and Youth Church

Engagement of our young people is important to us.  The children and youth of Portland Church have beem empowered to run a special Kids & Youth Church on the first Sabbath of every month starting 1 May 2021.  What does that mean?  It's a day where we celebrate our young people by giving them an opportunity to run the service, choosing their favourite music, stories and activities and for the rest of us, it's an opportunity to be like children again, joining in to support them.

The luncheon that follows the service will also have a distinct children and youth flavour, literally, with all their favourites being served on the day.  It's a great day for young people (and those older ones) to come along and experience something different.

Adventurers and Pathfinders Club

Children will discover the wonders of nature through their local Adventurers and Pathfinders clubs. The activities range from games and crafts to nature exploration and family camping. They will learn about their God-given abilities and how to use them to help others. The activities take place in a nurturing environment where children and parents can participate in building life-long memories.

The Portland Club currently does not run Adventurers or Pathfinders clubs, however you can connect your children to these worthwhile groups through Warrnambool SDA Church